I Got In. by Phillip Warfield

There were several amazing teachers and professors who loved and supported me throughout this journey. I obviously didn’t do this by myself and never want anyone to think that I did. I also don’t believe that these situations I’ve gone through were supposed to destroy me, but to remind me of what God’s done in my life before. Special thanks to all of my friends and family who have advised me on this journey. Next stop, Howard University in Washington D.C.

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I Thought I Was Supposed to Figure it Out by Now: What I Learned Abroad by Phillip Warfield

2020 brings a lot of excitement (and perfect eyesight for those who think they’re comedians). For me, there’s a lot of uncertainty about the future. All of this contemplating brings more days of anxiety than anything else--these daily migraines are a testament to that. There are actually hundreds of people listening to the content that I’ve created, and that’s really humbling. There’s still the endless questions: What if I don’t make it into those graduate programs? What if my family refuses to acknowledge, understand, and encourage my creative development? I’m not avoiding my calling, am I? What if I get left behind?

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WHY?: Struggling through a Summer of Self-Doubt by Phillip Warfield

I went for a walk this past Saturday evening to try and clear my head. Staying alone in my dark room on a really sunny day (as much as I love darkness) wasn’t going to make me feel any better. When I’m frustrated, I talk to God. That day, I was yelling inside. “WHY? Why can’t I just know what it is You want me to do? Why does it feel like I can never reach the level I’m looking to achieve. Why can’t I be successful?”

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